Praying Mantis Facts on its Habitat

There are a lot of people especially kids who want to find out more praying mantis facts. The appearances of these insects can instantly spark curiosity among people who are able to see it. One of the things that people usually ask about praying mantises is their habitat. This is because many kids want to know if they would be able to find praying mantises in the backyards of their own homes.

The most common areas where praying mantises can be found in great numbers are the tropical countries. Tropical countries have vast areas where grasses and trees are found. These are the perfect places for the praying mantises because they can perfectly camouflage with nature. Since these insects are big predators and attack through ambushing their prey, camouflage is important when choosing their habitat.

Aside from tropical countries, these praying mantises can also thrive in subtropical climates and temperate regions as well. There are also mantises that have been seen in countries that experience mild winters. These areas are not just great for them because of the natural environment for camouflage but these places are also abundant with prey. For places where mantises are not naturally found, they can be introduced to that area by bringing a few species of mantises to reproduce.

Feeding a Praying Mantis

When learning how to feed your praying mantis, you should see to it that there is already a selected habitat for such feeding. You can do this inside the cage for the mantis, though you need to be sure that it is not a too large space with unreachable areas for the insect to capture and feed on its prey. Either purchase or catch a number of tiny live insects. For the most part, pet stores have a stock of More...

Taking Care of Praying Mantis

There are actually quite a number of people who have praying mantises as their pets. Some of these people are insect collectors while some are actually just fascinated about these insects. But whether you are just doing the collecting for fun or you are doing this for research, it is important to know essential praying mantis facts especially on how to take care of them. The first thing that you need to know when taking care of a praying mantis More...

Taming a Praying Mantis

In order to start taming a praying mantis, put your hand open at the door of the cage to allow the praying mantis to walk onto your palm. You must avoid picking the mantis up or grabbing it. Instead, simply let this insect climb into your hand. This way, the praying mantis is caused to think that your hand is a safe place to get in. If the insect is not willing to go to your hand, put a tiny More...

Praying Mantis Facts

All over the world, there are approximately one thousand and eight hundred known species of insects grouped from the genus Mantis. Because of the anatomical uniqueness of the mantis’ striking and very defined front legs that are bent at a particular angle resembling a praying position, this genu is most commonly referred as the praying mantis. The praying mantis comes from an entire, bigger group of mantids, from the class Insecta and from the phylum Anthropoda. Most praying mantis facts More...

Why Teach Praying Mantis Facts to Farmers

Farmers are always faced with continuous problems about pests and insects destroying their crops. This is really a big problem if it is not controlled since their crops are their main source of livelihood and income. Most farmers would use insecticides but the government is controlling the use of pesticides due to the possible effects of these chemicals to the crops. For this reason, it will be very useful if farmers are taught about praying mantis facts. Praying mantises are More...

Life Cycle of Praying Mantis

Life Cycle of Praying Mantis

Breeding Praying Mantis When you have plans of breeding praying mantis, you should know how to distinguish the females from the males, among other praying mantis facts. One of the easiest ways to do this is by counting the segments at their abdominal region. Female mantises have six segments while males have eight.Keeping the mantises healthy isn&rs...

Life Cycle of Praying Mantis

Taming a Praying Mantis In order to start taming a praying mantis, put your hand open at the door of the cage to allow the praying mantis to walk onto your palm. You must avoid picking the mantis up or grabbing it. Instead, simply let this insect climb into your hand. This way, the praying mantis is caused to think that your hand is a safe place to ...

Life Cycle of Praying Mantis

Pregnant Praying Mantis behavior While females are known for feeding on males at the time of reproduction, this only takes place from five to thirty-one percent of the time, often when the female mantis is hungry. The male mantis at the time of mating puts a capsule, which contains his sperm, into the reproductive tract of the female. The female man...

Life Cycle of Praying Mantis

Praying Mantis Facts as a Pet A lot of people know that the praying mantis is just a simple insect living in the gardens or the farms. For gardeners, these insects are useful because they help get rid of insects that may eat the flowers and the leaves of their plants. The same rule also applies to farmers who use praying mantises for pest control. B...